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Our Firm

O'Brien Wealth Management was formed in October 2004 with the intention of sharing years of financial services and business management experience with clients of all shapes and sizes.

OWM has steadily grown through referrals from satisfied clients to the point where this well respected CPA Australia firm is now a logical choice for clients wanting the personal service a larger firm simply cannot provide.

We continue to strive to achieve excellence and best practice for all of our clients but most of all we enjoy what we do!

Take advantage of our

40 years plus

experience in the

financial services arena

     street   373 Brighton Road, Hove SA 5048

                 post   PO Box 360, Hove, SA 5044

    phone   08 8296 6266   fax   08 8296 6299

email   info@obrienwealthmanagement.com


 Copyright 2017 O'Brien Wealth Management - all rights reserved
Limited Liability by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislations